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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Top 10 Hit List

Now that I've finally caught up on bills that have been submitted to the House of Representatives I've decided to create a top 10 list of bills to watch. None of these bills are subtle in their intent and many, I'm sure, will fail spectacularly. Nevertheless, knowledge is power and these are real bills that have been submitted by our elected officials. I will also be including here a list of those congressmen who submitted and co-sponsored these terrible acts of legislation so we can see just which Representatives are fighting against our nation's best interests.

H.R.25 - FairTax Act of 2017
This bill calls for a Federal sales tax (starting at 23%) be implemented to replace the current tax system. It also calls to defund the IRS by 2021. The summary for this bill also states that "family members who are lawful U.S. residents receive a monthly sales tax rebate (Family Consumption Allowance) based upon criteria related to family size and poverty guidelines" however this will do little to relieve the burden such a sales tax will put on low income families. This bill is very extensive so I will just touch on a few of the scarier points. For example, it calls for an "annual registration" of your family each year including proof of citizenship and residence in order to receive the monthly rebate. Next, said sales tax will be in addition to any import duties. It claims that this will be mostly implemented by the States however it will still require a sizable amount of Federal oversight for collection and disbursement to Federal programs. Furthermore, instead of a yearly reckoning of taxes as we have now the government will have to issue checks monthly to a substantial portion of the population. There is also no guarantee that assistance will be provided to help families navigate the rebate program and insure they are getting their proper benefits. Overall this bill clear disadvantages the poor while substantially benefiting the wealthy and putting a burden on economic freedom.

Those Responsible:
Rep. Woodall, Rob [R-GA]- Sponsor
Rep. Bilirakis, Gus M. [R-FL]- Cosponsor
Rep. Bridenstine, Jim [R-OK]- Cosponsor
Rep. Brooks, Mo [R-AL]- Cosponsor
Rep. Carter, John R. [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Collins, Doug [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Conaway, K. Michael [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Culberson, John Abney [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. DesJarlais, Scott [R-TN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Duncan, John J., Jr. [R-TN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Foxx, Virginia [R-NC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Franks, Trent [R-AZ]- Cosponsor
Rep. Graves, Sam [R-MO]- Cosponsor
Rep. Graves, Tom [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Issa, Darrell E. [R-CA]- Cosponsor
Rep. King, Steve [R-IA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Lucas, Frank D. [R-OK]- Cosponsor
Rep. Massie, Thomas [R-KY]- Cosponsor
Rep. Mullin, Markwayne [R-OK]- Cosponsor
Rep. Olson, Pete [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Pearce, Stevan [R-NM]- Cosponsor
Rep. Poe, Ted [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Roe, David P. [R-TN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Sanford, Mark [R-SC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Walberg, Tim [R-MI]- Cosponsor
Rep. Yoho, Ted S. [R-FL]- Cosponsor
Rep. Young, Don [R-AK]- Cosponsor
Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Ratcliffe, John [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Hice, Jody B. [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Loudermilk, Barry [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Carter, Earl L. "Buddy" [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Chabot, Steve [R-OH]- Cosponsor
Rep. Bishop, Rob [R-UT]- Cosponsor
Rep. Posey, Bill [R-FL]- Cosponsor
Rep. Gaetz, Matt [R-FL]- Cosponsor
Rep. Hensarling, Jeb [R-TX]- Cosponsor

H.R.140 - Birthright Citizenship Act of 2017
At the founding of our nation it was established that, quite simply, being born on US soil qualified you to be a US citizen. This act "clarifies" that statement by putting limits upon said citizenship. The intent of this bill seems to be to get rid of the so called "anchor babies" i.e. children born on US soil to parents who are not legal residents. This bill absolutely fulfills that intent (and then some) but what it also does is fundamentally shift a value that has been held by Americans since our nation's founding that anyone can come here, work hard, and build a good life for themselves and their posterity. Being an American should not be determined by where our parents came from but rather the values we hold in our heart.

Those Responsible:
Rep. King, Steve [R-IA]- Sponsor
Rep. Duncan, Jeff [R-SC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Gosar, Paul A. [R-AZ]- Cosponsor
Rep. Gohmert, Louie [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Smith, Lamar [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Brooks, Mo [R-AL]- Cosponsor
Rep. Babin, Brian [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Farenthold, Blake [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Barletta, Lou [R-PA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Woodall, Rob [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Franks, Trent [R-AZ]- Cosponsor
Rep. Duncan, John J., Jr. [R-TN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Davidson, Warren [R-OH]- Cosponsor
Rep. Palazzo, Steven M. [R-MS]- Cosponsor
Rep. Roe, David P. [R-TN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Goodlatte, Bob [R-VA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Fortenberry, Jeff [R-NE]- Cosponsor
Rep. Womack, Steve [R-AR]- Cosponsor
Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ]- Cosponsor

H.R.193 - American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017
This calls for the US to exit the United Nations. I've already had my say on why this is a bad idea in a more extensive previous post and will not go into my reasoning again here.

Those Responsible:
Rep. Rogers, Mike D. [R-AL]- Sponsor
Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ]- Cosponsor
Rep. Smith, Jason [R-MO]- Cosponsor
Rep. Massie, Thomas [R-KY]- Cosponsor
Rep. Duncan, John J., Jr. [R-TN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Gaetz, Matt [R-FL]- Cosponsor
Rep. Labrador, Raul R. [R-ID]- Cosponsor
Rep. Mooney, Alexander X. [R-WV]- Cosponsor

H.R.352 - State Health Flexibility Act of 2017
This bill repeals not only the Affordable Care Act but also the Health Care and Educational Reconciliation Act of 2010, Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program. In the place of, essentially, our entire Federal health care system, it calls for block grants to the states to provide health care to their residents. The only provisions provided to direct the states as far as what to cover is that the funds may not be used for illegal aliens or abortions except in certain emergency circumstances. In certain states where programs already exist to protect the poor this implementation will probably improve services. However, in states that already take little effort to care for the poor this will be disastrous.

Those Responsible:
Rep. Rokita, Todd [R-IN]- Sponsor
Rep. Messer, Luke [R-IN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Franks, Trent [R-AZ]- Cosponsor
Rep. Farenthold, Blake [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Westerman, Bruce [R-AR]- Cosponsor
Rep. DesJarlais, Scott [R-TN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Moolenaar, John R. [R-MI]- Cosponsor
Rep. Palazzo, Steven M. [R-MS]- Cosponsor
Rep. Black, Diane [R-TN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Schweikert, David [R-AZ]- Cosponsor
Rep. Hice, Jody B. [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Loudermilk, Barry [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Pittenger, Robert [R-NC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Bishop, Rob [R-UT]- Cosponsor
Rep. Duncan, Jeff [R-SC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Cole, Tom [R-OK]- Cosponsor
Rep. Olson, Pete [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Cramer, Kevin [R-ND]- Cosponsor
Rep. Meadows, Mark [R-NC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Brat, Dave [R-VA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Stewart, Chris [R-UT]- Cosponsor
Rep. Pearce, Stevan [R-NM]- Cosponsor
Rep. Trott, David A. [R-MI]- Cosponsor
Rep. Banks, Jim [R-IN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Barr, Andy [R-KY]- Cosponsor
Rep. Allen, Rick W. [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Huizenga, Bill [R-MI]- Cosponsor
Rep. Buck, Ken [R-CO]- Cosponsor
Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ]- Cosponsor
Rep. McClintock, Tom [R-CA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Gaetz, Matt [R-FL]- Cosponsor

H.R.586 - Sanctity of Human Life Act & H.R.681 - Life at Conception Act
Since these bills cover essentially the same material I will be lumping them together for my synopsis. Both bills take the stance that life begins at fertilization/conception, a statement that has no scientific evidence to back it up. Both are clearly anti-abortion bills though neither bill has the word abortion anywhere in the text. What both of these bills do say is that from fertilization an embryo is given full status as a human being with rights and protections under the law as such. No qualifiers are made for the safety of the life of the mother or cases of rape and incest which are common mitigating factors even by anti-abortion lobbyists. H.R. 681 is only marginally better by adding the line: "nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize the prosecution of any woman for the death of her unborn child" which does nothing to say that the priority will be given to the life of the mother in the case of medical emergency.

Those Responsible:
H.R. 586:
Rep. Hice, Jody B. [R-GA]- Sponsor
Rep. Allen, Rick W. [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Carter, Earl L. "Buddy" [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Collins, Doug [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Crawford, Eric A. "Rick" [R-AR]- Cosponsor
Rep. Duncan, Jeff [R-SC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Farenthold, Blake [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Ferguson, A. Drew, IV [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Franks, Trent [R-AZ]- Cosponsor
Rep. Graves, Tom [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Grothman, Glenn [R-WI]- Cosponsor
Rep. Johnson, Bill [R-OH]- Cosponsor
Rep. Latta, Robert E. [R-OH]- Cosponsor
Rep. Long, Billy [R-MO]- Cosponsor
Rep. Loudermilk, Barry [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Olson, Pete [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Roe, David P. [R-TN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Russell, Steve [R-OK]- Cosponsor
Rep. Scott, Austin [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Woodall, Rob [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Brat, Dave [R-VA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Pittenger, Robert [R-NC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Rokita, Todd [R-IN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Labrador, Raul R. [R-ID]- Cosponsor
Rep. Gohmert, Louie [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. DesJarlais, Scott [R-TN]- Cosponsor

H.R. 681:
Rep. Mooney, Alexander X. [R-WV]- Sponsor
Rep. Jordan, Jim [R-OH]- Cosponsor
Rep. Olson, Pete [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Sessions, Pete [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Harper, Gregg [R-MS]- Cosponsor
Rep. Duncan, Jeff [R-SC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Farenthold, Blake [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Chabot, Steve [R-OH]- Cosponsor
Rep. Noem, Kristi L. [R-SD]- Cosponsor
Rep. Davidson, Warren [R-OH]- Cosponsor
Rep. Abraham, Ralph Lee [R-LA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Palmer, Gary J. [R-AL]- Cosponsor
Rep. Young, Don [R-AK]- Cosponsor
Rep. Grothman, Glenn [R-WI]- Cosponsor
Rep. Carter, John R. [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Schweikert, David [R-AZ]- Cosponsor
Rep. Wagner, Ann [R-MO]- Cosponsor
Rep. Franks, Trent [R-AZ]- Cosponsor
Rep. Massie, Thomas [R-KY]- Cosponsor
Rep. Meadows, Mark [R-NC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Johnson, Bill [R-OH]- Cosponsor
Rep. Weber, Randy K., Sr. [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Pittenger, Robert [R-NC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Black, Diane [R-TN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Gohmert, Louie [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Long, Billy [R-MO]- Cosponsor
Rep. Murphy, Tim [R-PA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Mullin, Markwayne [R-OK]- Cosponsor
Rep. Yoho, Ted S. [R-FL]- Cosponsor
Rep. Jenkins, Evan H. [R-WV]- Cosponsor
Rep. Rooney, Thomas J. [R-FL]- Cosponsor
Rep. Marino, Tom [R-PA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Johnson, Sam [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Aderholt, Robert B. [R-AL]- Cosponsor
Rep. Bucshon, Larry [R-IN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Poe, Ted [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. LaHood, Darin [R-IL]- Cosponsor
Rep. King, Steve [R-IA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Mitchell, Paul [R-MI]- Cosponsor
Rep. Duncan, John J., Jr. [R-TN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Fortenberry, Jeff [R-NE]- Cosponsor
Rep. Luetkemeyer, Blaine [R-MO]- Cosponsor
Rep. Latta, Robert E. [R-OH]- Cosponsor
Rep. Lamborn, Doug [R-CO]- Cosponsor
Rep. Barletta, Lou [R-PA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Palazzo, Steven M. [R-MS]- Cosponsor
Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Allen, Rick W. [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Labrador, Raul R. [R-ID]- Cosponsor
Rep. Cramer, Kevin [R-ND]- Cosponsor
Rep. Rothfus, Keith J. [R-PA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Fleischmann, Charles J. "Chuck" [R-TN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Hultgren, Randy [R-IL]- Cosponsor
Rep. Brady, Kevin [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Gosar, Paul A. [R-AZ]- Cosponsor
Rep. Roe, David P. [R-TN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Barton, Joe [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Peterson, Collin C. [D-MN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Smith, Jason [R-MO]- Cosponsor
Rep. Banks, Jim [R-IN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Herrera Beutler, Jaime [R-WA]- Cosponsor

H.R.861 - To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency
The text on this bill is almost comically short. As the title says it calls for the termination of the EPA. It gives a termination date of 12/31/18. That is it. Say goodbye to air quality, clean water, and protections from harmful substances if this passes. And that is without giving any concern for global climate change.

Those Responsible:
Rep. Gaetz, Matt [R-FL]- Sponsor
Rep. Massie, Thomas [R-KY]- Cosponsor
Rep. Palazzo, Steven M. [R-MS]- Cosponsor
Rep. Loudermilk, Barry [R-GA]- Cosponsor

H.R.899 - To terminate the Department of Education
Another comically short bill. This one calls for the termination of the Department of Education by 12/31/18 with no provisions for what, if anything, will replace it. I've posted previously about the importance of the DOE so I'll just leave it at that.

Those Responsible:
Rep. Massie, Thomas [R-KY]- Sponsor
Rep. Amash, Justin [R-MI]- Cosponsor
Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ]- Cosponsor
Rep. Chaffetz, Jason [R-UT]- Cosponsor
Rep. Gaetz, Matt [R-FL]- Cosponsor
Rep. Hice, Jody B. [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Labrador, Raul R. [R-ID]- Cosponsor

H.R.997 - To declare English as the official language of the United States, to establish a uniform English language rule for naturalization, and to avoid misconstructions of the English language texts of the laws of the United States, pursuant to Congress' powers to provide for the general welfare of the United States and to establish a uniform rule of naturalization under article I, section 8, of the Constitution
The title on this bill is a bit of a mouthful but will probably be given a catchy name in the coming weeks. No text or summary are yet available for this bill but the title makes the intent fairly clear. While there is a common misconception that English is the official language of the US the reality is that no official language is listed in our constitution. English is the language of common use but various states encourage/support the use of other languages based on their constituency. The push to make English the official language has been around for years and has yet to pass, in fact I have little fear of it passing now, but as a nation founded by immigrants it is important to recognize our heritage which includes languages as varied as our origins.

Those Responsible:
Rep. King, Steve [R-IA]- Sponsor
Rep. Collins, Doug [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Gohmert, Louie [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Barletta, Lou [R-PA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Duncan, Jeff [R-SC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Franks, Trent [R-AZ]- Cosponsor
Rep. Massie, Thomas [R-KY]- Cosponsor
Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC]- Cosponsor
Rep. McClintock, Tom [R-CA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Palazzo, Steven M. [R-MS]- Cosponsor
Rep. Loudermilk, Barry [R-GA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Turner, Michael R. [R-OH]- Cosponsor

H.R.1021 - To amend section 349 of the Immigration and Nationality Act to deem specified activities in support of terrorism as renunciation of United States nationality, and for other purposes
This bill does not yet have a text available for reference so I will be working off of the title. To state the obvious, terrorism is bad. However, the actions of individuals should not make them magically no longer part of the US. I would like to point out the very pointed use of the word "nationality" and not "citizenship". What exactly does "United States nationality" mean as far as the actions that can/will be taken under this bill? My fear, which will not be justified until a full text is posted, is that this bill will revoke certain rights and protections from individuals and will allow the government to take action against citizens that they would not otherwise be allowed under our Constitution.

Those Responsible:
Rep. King, Steve [R-IA]- Sponsor
Rep. Brat, Dave [R-VA]- Cosponsor

H.R.1031 - To eliminate the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection by repealing title X of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, commonly known as the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010
The title seems self explanatory and, once again, a text has yet to be posted with full details. Since this post has gone on long enough already I'll just say "Wall Street take over" and be done with it.

Those Responsible:
Rep. Ratcliffe, John [R-TX]- Sponsor
Rep. Walker, Mark [R-NC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Rice, Tom [R-SC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Palmer, Gary J. [R-AL]- Cosponsor
Rep. Amash, Justin [R-MI]- Cosponsor
Rep. Gohmert, Louie [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ]- Cosponsor
Rep. Roe, David P. [R-TN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Westerman, Bruce [R-AR]- Cosponsor
Rep. Hurd, Will [R-TX]- Cosponsor
Rep. Perry, Scott [R-PA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Duncan, John J., Jr. [R-TN]- Cosponsor
Rep. Hudson, Richard [R-NC]- Cosponsor
Rep. King, Steve [R-IA]- Cosponsor
Rep. Young, Don [R-AK]- Cosponsor
Rep. Wilson, Joe [R-SC]- Cosponsor
Rep. Buck, Ken [R-CO]- Cosponsor
Rep. Culberson, John Abney [R-TX]- Cosponsor

1 comment:

  1. Lots of bad bills there. I especially dislike H.R.1031,H.R.899, H.R.586, and H.R.681.

    What is it with some conservatives and abortion? They hate government interference with a passion but not when it comes to this issue.

