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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Time to Regroup

Today we lost a major battle and the Senate has now put our entire nation's public education system at risk. However this war isn't over, in fact it's just beginning, so let's take a deep breath, regroup, and make plans for where we go from here. For those who plan to continue the fight for our education system here are a few links with ways to get involved:

Remember that no matter what is happening on the national level we can mitigate how much that affects us individually through involvement in our state and local communities and government.

In other news, upcoming Senate confirmations include the following:

Scott Pruitt: EPA administrator
Mick Mulvaney: Office of Management and Budget director
Jeff Sessions: Attorney General
Tom Price: Secretary of Health and Human Services
Steven Mnuchin: Treasury secretary
David Shulkin: Veterans Affairs secretary
Rick Perry: Energy secretary
Linda McMahon: Small Business Administration administrator
Ryan Zinke: Secretary of the Interior
Ben Carson: Secretary of housing and urban development
Wilbur Ross: Secretary of commerce

Some of these should pass without much fuss but others I will be posting more on in the days to come. But, for tonight, let us all sleep soundly and hope for a better tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen anybody that I can remember less qualified then Betsy DeVos. While I've not been a huge fan of home schooling, at this point I can't blame any parent for doing it.
