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House of Representatives Bill Watch List

Here is a list of bills currently introduced to the House of Representatives that need to be publicized and the details monitored closely (this is by no means a full list and will most likely be constantly in flux):

H.R. 7- No Federal funding for abortions or insurance plans that provide abortions
Status: Passed House

H.R. 21- Allows Congress to cancel regulations from a former President made within the last 60 days of their term in a block rather than having to review them individually individually
Status: Passed House

H.R. 22- Increased security at the US-Mexico border
Status: In Committee

H.R. 25- A Federal sales tax of 23% to replace income, business, estate, etc. taxes
Status: In Committee

H.R. 29- Abolishes the IRS
Status: In Committee

H.R. 36- Certain limitations on abortion based on theory of pain being felt at 20 weeks of gestation
Status: In Committee

H.R. 49- Concerning the drilling for oil and natural gas in Alaska
Status: In Committee

H.R. 80- To stop admittance of all refugees until Congress passes a resolution otherwise
Status: In Committee

H.R. 81- Restricting admittance of refugees from certain countries
Status: In Committee

H.R. 82- Criminal Alien Deportation Enforcement Act of 2017
Status: In Committee

H.R. 83- "Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Act"
Status: In Committee

H.R. 117- To repeal Federal energy conservation standards
Status: In Committee

H.R. 119- To repeal certain provisions of the Clean Air Act regarding the expansion of the renewable fuel program
Status: In Committee

H.R.120- To reduce Federal Aid to certain countries to mitigate the cost of caring for unaccompanied minor aliens from said country who are held for immigration reasons
Status: In Committee

H.R. 140- Amendment to the definition of birthright citizenship
Status: In Committee

H.R. 172- Repeal of certain statutes so that churches and other tax-exempt organizations may participate in political campaigns
Status: In Committee

H.R. 175- Repeal of the Affordable Care Act
Status: In Committee

H.R. 193- United States exiting the United Nations
Status: In Committee

H.R. 208- Waiver of essential health benefit requirements when there is only one insurance provider in certain municipalities
Status: In Committee

H.R. 217- To prohibit public health grants from being awarded to institutions that provide abortions
Status: In Committee

H.R. 249- To deny all voluntary funding to the UN
Status: In Committee

H.R. 263- To render UN resolution 2334 void regarding Israel/Palestinian relations and UN sanctions
Status: In Committee

H.R. 265- To recognize Jerusalem as the "undivided" capitol of Israel and to establish a US Embassy therein
Status: In Committee

H.R. 277- To repeal the Affordable Care Act and other items
Status: In Committee

H.R. 278- To build a border wall with Mexico by 12/31/17
Status: In Committee

H.R. 285- Removes requirements for individuals to maintain minimum health care coverage and requirement of employers with 50 or more full time employees to provide health insurance
Status: In Committee

H.R. 311- Refuse to make payments to the UN for actions against Israel
Status: In Committee

H.R. 314- Repeals certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act and Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 and allows for interstate health insurance offerings
Status: In Committee

H.R. 352- To repeal Medicaid, CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program), the Affordable Care Act, and the Health Care and Educational Reconciliation Act of 2010. To be replaced with block grants to states to subsidize the cost of private health care for high-risk populations
Status: In Committee

H.R. 354- Defund Planned Parenthood
Status: In Committee

H.R. 361- Establishes mandatory minimum sentences for illegal aliens who reenter the US after removal
Status: In Committee

H.R. 370- Repeal of the ACA and Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010
Status: In Committee

H.R. 373- To deny funds, assessed or voluntary, to the United Nations
Status: In Committee

H.R. 400- "Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act"
Status: In Committee

H.R. 441- Additional security requirements for Syrian and Iraqi refugees
Status: In Committee

H.R.454- Requiring a border fence with Mexico to be completed by 12/31/17
Status: In Committee

H.R. 483- Denies federal funds to Universities who "violate the immigration laws"
Status: In Committee

H.R. 490- A ban on all abortions where a fetal heart beat is detected
Status: In Committee

H.R. 514- Defunding of Sanctuary Cities
Status: In Committee

H.R. 524- Requires aborted fetal tissue to be transferred only for disposal purposes, appears to limit the transfer of tissues for scientific study
Status: In Committee

H.R.546- Rewrites the Immigration and Nationality Act to require governor approval before refugees may be settled within a state's borders
Status: In Committee

H.R. 586- Mandates that human life begins at fertilization
Status: In Committee

H.R. 604- Permit governors to prohibit the resettlement of refugees
Status: In Committee

H.R. 610- Elementary/secondary voucher program and repealing nutrition standards
Status: In Committee

H.R. 631- Repeal of estate and transfer taxes
Status: In Committee

H.R. 637- To prevent the EPA from "exceeding its statutory authority"
Status: In Committee

H.R. 644- Prohibits government discrimination against providers that do not provide abortions
Status: In Committee

H.R. 656- To allow states to exclude providers who are involved in abortions under the Social Security Act
Status: In Committee

H.R. 670- Reforming the H-1B Visa program
Status: In Committee

H.R. 673- To prohibit US contributions to various climate change groups
Status: In Committee

H.R. 681- "Right to life for each born and preborn human person"
Status: In Committee

H.R. 682- Repealing funding cuts to states who have not accepted the Medicaid expansion under the ACA
Status: In Committee

H.R. 685- Encouraging in-sourcing and discouraging outsourcing
Status: In Committee

H.R. 691- Encouraging "choice" in education
Status: In Committee

H.R. 693- Provides an exemption to the Employee Polygraph Protection Act
Status: In Committee

H.R. 705- Concerning immigrants enrolled in certain Medicaid programs
Status: In Committee

H.R. 717- Requires economic review of the costs of adding an animal to the endangered species or threatened species list
Status: In Committee

H.R. 718- Regarding the disposal of fetal remains
Status: In Committee

H.R. 726- To prohibit federal funds going to National Public Radio
Status: In Committee

H.R. 727- To end funding of the Corporation of Public Broadcasting
Status: In Committee

H.R. 769- To withhold all contributions to the UN until the UN repeals council resolution 2334 regarding Israeli settlements on Palestinian land in defiance of past orders/agreements on Palestinian/Israeli borders and action against civilians
Status: In Committee

H.R. 824- To restrict transportation and infrastructure funds being allocated to sanctuary jurisdictions
Status: In Committee

H.R. 826- To require executive agencies to relocate outside of the Washington DC metro area
Status: In Committee

H.R. 853- No funding to be provided to entities unless they completely denounce the use of abortion
Status: In Committee

H.R. 861- Terminating the EPA
Status: In Committee

H.R. 890- To establish the Copyright office as a part of the legislative branch
Status: In Committee

H.R. 893- "To protect, improve, and modernize the act of voting"
Status: In Committee

H.R. 899- To terminate the Department of Education
Status: In Committee

H.R. 928- To give states the sole authority on fracking on Federal lands within a state's borders
Status: In Committee

H.R. 937- To create Universal Savings Accounts
Status: In Committee

H.R. 941- To increase the number of functioning US aircraft carriers
Status: In Committee

H.R. 958- To eliminate certain EPA programs
Status: In Committee

H.R. 983- To bar prosecution for some people who maliciously harm or destroy government buildings
Status: In Committee

H.R. 987- An amendment to the Labor Relations Act, types of changes not yet clear
Status: In Committee

H.R. 997- To make English the official language of the USA
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1010- To amend the definition of unauthorized alien
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1021- To deem certain acts of terrorism as renunciation of US nationality
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1031- To eliminate the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1040- To provide a flat tax alternative to current Federal income tax
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1048- To establish tariffs on goods from China in retaliation for loss of revenue on intellectual property rights
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1067- To use drug seizures to increase border security?
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1072- To repeal certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1105- To repeal a certain "clean water rule"
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1110- Repeal amendments to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1119- To legislate the EPA's enforcement of emission standards for coal
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1124- To prevent bailouts to state run pension plans
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1125- New procedures for immigrant and non-immigrant visas
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1129- To strengthen student visa background checks and improve monitoring of foreign students
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1149- To reduce the number of family-sponsored immigrants and change the acceptance policy
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1151- "To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to encourage the prioritization of the most vulnerable individuals under the Medicaid program"
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1156- "To repeal changes made by health care reform laws to the Medicare exception to the prohibition on certain physician referrals for hospitals, and for other purposes"
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1166- "To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide greater State flexibility and innovation through Medicaid cost-sharing waivers"
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1175- Expansion of Health Savings Accounts to "improve access to health care"
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1178- To eliminate the diversity immigrant program
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1179- To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1192- To prohibit "dismemberment abortions"
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1196- To establish "minimum international border security standards"
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1201- To provide additional religious exemptions to individual health care coverage
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1203- To prohibit the use of aborted fetal tissue for research purposes
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1204- "To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide the opportunity for responsible health savings to all American families"
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1223- To extend new drug exclusivity periods
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1275- "World's Greatest Healthcare Plan of 2017"
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1301- DOD appropriations and provisions against closing Guantanamo Bay
Status: Passed House

H.R. 1314- To repeal the EPA's renewable fuel program
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1315- To eliminate certain requirements of the EPA's renewable fuel program
Status: In Committee

H.R. 1325- Giving flexibility to States on providing insurance premium assistance
Status: In Committee

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