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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Hiatus Over

I've been on a bit of a hiatus the last few weeks as I have been so overwhelmed and depressed with everything that has been going on recently. I've not given up the fight, but it is hard to remain optimistic in the face of so many things that seem to be dragging our nation apart.

Two days ago, on May 26th, there was a particularly heinous act that occurred in Portland, OR that has made me feel more than ever before just how angry our nation has become. The fact that two men who were trying to do the right thing by standing up for another person should have their lives ended so violently is a tragedy of epic proportion. Sadly, outbursts like those of the perpetrator in this case are becoming more and more common. Thankfully most of these cases do not end in death, as in the tragic case in Portland, but the reality is that they should not be happening at all.

People have been emboldened to hate, openly and unabashedly, any who disagree or are different from themselves. Our President may be the face of our nation but we owe it to the world to be better than his flippant references to violent acts would suggest. Whether it is racial, religious, or ideological, our nation as a whole needs to check itself in its treatment of those who are different from us before our entire society devolves into chaos.

Freedom of speech is a right, but it comes with the burden to defend that right for others, even when they disagree or are different from us. No voice should be silenced by the fear of violent reprisals. And we are not defenders of freedom when we allow others to be harassed and threatened without coming to their aid. Those two individuals on the train in Portland who lost their lives died acting as the truest American you can be and should rightfully be honored as heroes. If only there were more brave souls like that in our world today.

That's all I have for tonight, I'll get into Russia, Comey, Kushner, the budget proposal, Trump's overseas trip, and all of that other political chaos another day.

P.S. in the last month a full half of the hits on this blog have been from someone in Russia. Whoever my Russian friend is let me just say, let freedom ring.


  1. It just seems that there is constant news coming at us, it's harder then ever to keep up. Sometimes I just don't want to see it.



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