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Saturday, January 28, 2017

H.R. 441- SAFER Act of 2017

This bill appears almost unnecessary considering the current screening process for refugees entering the US. There are already additional screenings in place for Syrian's and those from the middle east (whether right or wrong these systems are in place which target those from the middle east and the repeal of such measures should be found elsewhere). There are three measures that are laid out as additional screening in this bill which are as follows:

1) Take and pass a lie detector test- This measure is absurd considering the substantial evidence that lie detectors can be manipulated and give false reads. (see here)

2) Submit a DNA sample to be compared to relevant terrorist databases- I can understand this measure as fingerprints are already taken for refugees and DNA can be a very effective crime investigation tool. That said, I do not believe that this should be applied to Syrians and Iraqis alone. If this policy is instituted it should be applied in the broader scope of all refugee applicants.

3) Background check by the Secretary of Homeland Security including all internet (i.e. social media) activity- Maybe the author of this bill should review the current screening process considering refugees already go through screenings by 4 different departments looking for security risks and connections to known bad actors.

Compared to some of the other things currently going on with our government this seems to be a low priority threat but it is still one to watch and is a good gauge of sentiment against those from the middle east

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