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Monday, January 30, 2017

And So It Begins

7 days.

When we look back on this period of our nation's history I hope that we all remember that it took only 7 days for President Trump to openly enact policies of discrimination. Really it wasn't even that long, though his executive actions against the Latino(a) population will take longer to implement. All of the people who insisted "it's just words, Trump hasn't actually done anything," while comparing him to Hillary Clinton should now see what he will do once given the power and opportunity. I hope we remember, but are we surprised?

If you're surprised by this turn of events then apparently you had your head buried in sand for the last year. Trump campaigned on this sort of legislation, and worse, but if you're surprised maybe you got lost in all the propaganda chanting of "Make America great again." To my eyes he has brought America back, but not to a period of greatness, to a period of discrimination, fear, and hatred. And, once again, it has only taken 7 days. We are still looking at more than 1400 days left in his reign of terror.

It is important at this juncture for us to connect with the rest of our society, and humanity in general, to close ranks against those who wish to drive us apart. We must remember the individuals already affected by the immigration ban and their stories. Here are a few of those stories:

Dr. Suha Abushamma-

Hamaseh Tayari-

International Scientistis-

A compilation of stories-

Eman Mohammed-

Fortunately there is some good news in the wake of so much turmoil. The people are rising up. People are protesting at airports around the country. Lawyers have come to the aid of people currently detained at airports just because they were in transit at the time this executive action was signed. Judges have come forward with injunctions halting the executive action in their jurisdiction. Even politicians are standing up against this order, Governors and and Senators, Democrats and Republicans alike. Here is a breakdown of our politicians' stances on the issue thus far:

Oppose- 59
- 12 Republicans
- 45 Democrats
- 2 Independents

Silent- 37
- 36 Republicans
- 1 Democrat

Support- 4
- 4 Republicans

Oppose- 13
- 5 Republicans
- 8 Democrats

Silent- 36
- 27 Republicans
- 8 Democrats
- 1 Independent

Support- 1
- 1 Republican

Even with this good news it is still too early to celebrate. We can celebrate when Trump's executive order on immigration is repealed, either by himself or by being deemed unconstitutional through our system of checks and balances. In the meantime, protect your neighbors, look out for your friends, fight back against discrimination, and never forget that we are a nation of immigrants and that is what makes America truly great.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah you know it's bad when even members of his own party are like "hold the phone, what?!"
