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Thursday, April 6, 2017

Frack Away

Fracking is a term that seem to be used more and more frequently but what is it and why is it controversial?

Hydraulic fracturing (or fracking as it is commonly called) is a method for extracting oil and natural gas from the ground. It involves pumping high pressure water, sand, and other chemicals into shale rock in order to cause fractures in the rock and release the oil and natural gas trapped inside. Energy companies support fracking as it helps them to access hard to reach reserves of gas and oil. By accessing these pockets it can drive down prices and offer greater energy security. However, fracking is known to cause mild earthquakes and there are also concerns about the chemicals used. The water pumped into the rock is mixed with a wide variety of chemicals, many of which are carcinogenic, and it is possible for these chemicals to leak into the ground water and contaminate the local environment.

Fracking has been around since the 90s and is already present in many states across the US. Some states have banned the practice while others have seen legal battles between energy companies and local communities attempting to limit the use of fracking in their area. Federal land has been another sticky point. President Obama and the Bureau of Land Management instituted new guidelines for fracking on Federal Land with mixed success. Now the Senate has introduced two bills (S.334 and S.335) in an effort to return complete control of fracking operations to the states, even on Federal land.

Though it has been around for over 2 decades fracking is still unproven as far as its long term impact on the environment. Concerns over the effects on air quality and ground water contamination continue to plague the practice. Protecting our environment should be a priority and that means focusing our attentions on growing renewable resources and protecting our land, water, and air. Practices such as fracking should be fading into the past, not being given new life. Let's stand together for the sake of our environment and say no to fracking.

1 comment:


    And from a GOP governor no less.

