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Thursday, April 27, 2017

Balance of Powers

The founding fathers knew first hand of the evils of ultimate power. The nation from which they sought to break was at the whim of its monarch. Dictates from the monarch had the strength of law, whether for good or ill. To prevent this collection of ultimate power in a single individual the founding fathers had the brilliant idea of a separation of powers. This manifested itself in our three branches of government. The Legislative, with the power to make laws; the Executive, with the power to enforce laws; and the Judicial, with the power to interpret laws. Over the course of the last 200 plus years these roles have been tested and refined but always they have stood in balance to ensure that no dictator could overthrow our system against the will of the people.

Enter his royal highness Donald Trump. Never have I been more grateful for our system of checks and balances. Despite his derogatory remarks about the use of executive orders by past Presidents, Trump has used the writs in an attempt to turn his word into law. The Legislature could block these actions, but party politics mean that a Republican controlled Congress are unlikely to go against the actions of a Republican President. This proves how a division of three instead of two was the founding father's genius. The Judiciary has stepped up to balance the powers and make a clear statement that Trump's actions, and the intent that is apparent from his constant media chatter, are outside of the scope of his position.

A President who believes they have no limit on their power is a danger to all of the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. A true President should be a servant to the people. A good President should protect, uplift, and unite the populace. Trump is not that President and we should all thank the Judiciary for stepping up to block his most egregious actions before his power becomes all consuming.

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